Group animations in the timeline

You can now group animations in the timeline. It works like for grouping layers in regular design tools: select the animations you want to group and press G. To ungroup, selected the element and press G. Grouping animations together is particularly useful to organize the timeline in a more logical way.

Rename animation groups

To go even further, it is now possible to rename the animation groups. For instance, you can make a group of “Move” + “Opacity” and name it “Slide in”. Or, you can group all the animations of the beginning of your scene, and name it “Intro”. This is particularly useful to organize the timeline in a more readable way.

Other improvements and fixes

  • Added a 5px security margin before starting to drag elements
  • Added an empty state to the file list
  • Fixed a bug that would reorder items in the layer list and the timeline when dragging them
  • Improved the experience while reordering items
  • Updated UI of the timeline and the layer list
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