Selection rectangle

We dramatically improved the way you can select layers on the canvas. Previously, it was only possible to select multiple layers by manually clicking on each of them. We are now adding a new way to select multiple layers on the canvas in a single gesture, with a selection rectangle.

To select multiple layers with the selection rectangle, you can click on the canvas and drag your mouse. All the layers that intersect that rectangle will be added to the selection.

If you want to add other elements to your existing selection, you can hold and draw another rectangle. If the rectangle interesects elements that were already in the selection, they will be removed from the selection.

Other improvements

  • Fixed a bug where texts with custom fonts imported from Figma could crash the file
  • Fixed a bug where creating a group could change the order of the layers inside it
  • Fixed a bug where artboard background animations didn't work in Lottie exports
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